Apple Orchard Sandwich

Hello, fellow Medis!

Today I have a deliciously interesting take on a grilled sandwich! My original inspiration came from Iowa Girl Eats who made an Apple Orchard panini. I, to my great dismay, do not own a panini maker… Yet. So I modified the recipe just a bit to fit my personal tastes! You'll love the crunch of the apples and the mixes of sweet and savory flavors! I can't wait for you to get your hands on one of these!

You'll first need to gather your ingredients! I bought myself ciabatta rolls, turkey slices, mozzarella slices, apple butter, and any type of apple you'd prefer. I chose elstar apples from when I visited our local orchard, which I blogged about here! You'll also need just a small pad of butter to butter up the outside of your rolls for when you grill them.

First, get your bread and evenly butter the outside of each piece. 

Next, get about a tablespoon of apple butter for each slice of roll and lather it on! 

Next, layer your turkey, thinly sliced apples, and mozzarella cheese. I like to add on two pieces of the cheese to soften out the crunch of the apples. Top with the other slice of roll. 

Grab your skillet or griddle, spray some Pam inside it, and lay your prepared sandwich in the middle! Turn your stove on low to medium, and heat each side for about three to four minutes. 

When finished, slide your amazingly scrumptious apple orchard sandwich onto your plate and get to eating! You won't regret it!

Apple Orchard Sandwich 


-1 ciabatta roll 
-2 Tablespoons of apple butter
-1 small apple of your choice, cored and sliced thinly
-2-3 turkey slices
-2 slices of mozzarella cheese


Butter the outside of your ciabatta roll. Spread each slice of roll with 1 tablespoon of apple butter. Layer one side of your roll with turkey, thinly sliced apples, and mozzarella cheese. Top with remaining roll and place in skillet or griddle sprayed with Pam. Turn stovetop between low and medium and grill each side for 3 to 4 minutes. Slide off onto a plate and enjoy!! 



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